mercredi, janvier 21, 2009

Hu's Holding The Baby

Hu's Holding The Baby
Originally uploaded by dean.franklin.

J'ai trouvé ce commentaire de Dodinette sur le Blog de Belzouzou et bien que ne comprenant pas beaucoup l'anglais, j'ai adoré :
L'Ours, réincarnation de Deubeulyou au lendemain de la nomination de Hu Jintao en Chine :

"Who is the new First Secretary in China?
- Hu is the new First Secretary.
- That's what I asked you, who is it?
- It's Hu.
- Come on, are you fooling me!? I'm asking you who the new First Secretary is.
- And I'm telling you: it's Hu.
[le téléphone sonne, c'est Condoleeza Rice]- Hi, Rice here.
- Aoh! That's a good idea, maybe I should order some, too. ANyway I have to call Condy to get that new First Secretary's name from her.
- I'm right here Mr President. It's Hu.
- COME ON!! PLEAAASE! I'm asking YOU!! Who is it!?
- Hu is the new..."

and so on..