Hu's Holding The Baby
J'ai trouvé ce commentaire de Dodinette sur le Blog de Belzouzou et bien que ne comprenant pas beaucoup l'anglais, j'ai adoré :
L'Ours, réincarnation de Deubeulyou au lendemain de la nomination de Hu Jintao en Chine :
"Who is the new First Secretary in China?
- Hu is the new First Secretary.
- That's what I asked you, who is it?
- It's Hu.
- Come on, are you fooling me!? I'm asking you who the new First Secretary is.
- And I'm telling you: it's Hu.
[le téléphone sonne, c'est Condoleeza Rice]- Hi, Rice here.
- Aoh! That's a good idea, maybe I should order some, too. ANyway I have to call Condy to get that new First Secretary's name from her.
- I'm right here Mr President. It's Hu.
- COME ON!! PLEAAASE! I'm asking YOU!! Who is it!?
- Hu is the new..."
and so on..